Friday, August 31, 2007
Today is a special day. It is the last day of the conference and it is also Keri Dutton’s 16th birthday. Someone tipped off the Moldovans that it was Keri’s birthday so a group came to our building very early and piled balloons outside Mark and Keri’s door. When Keri got up and opened her door the group sang happy birthday in Romanian and then in English. They also gave her a couple of gifts. It was lots of fun and created a memory that I think Keri will carry for years to come.
We held our last classes in the morning closing out the conference with lunch together. At the morning break there was yet another surprise for Keri. The kitchen staff prepared a birthday cake for her with 16 candles and presented it to her with all 270 people in the dining hall. The group then sang happy birthday to her in several languages, including English. Then they prayed for Keri thanking God for what He is doing in her life and asking God’s guidance and blessing on her life.
After lunch the conference attendees were all given the opportunity to receive two books. Because of the generous donations of believers in US churches we were able to have Theology of Christian Counseling by Jay Adams and You Can Trust God by Jerry Bridges printed in Romanian. These two books were give to each family unit that attended the conference. We were also able to give each of the women a deodorant sample and a scarf. They were very grateful for the gifts.
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